Stupid indeed
That should have been 'katakana', but I was tired when I wrote that, so forgive me.
Off today with the wife, maybe we'll get to so something fun today. Perhaps we should do some house buying stuff today...
That should have been 'katakana', but I was tired when I wrote that, so forgive me.
I'm learning Japanese through a 8 disc set I found at Best Buy. I don't think it's that great so far, as the only thing I've successfully been able to do is play a game where I match tiles of Kanjikana to english words. But I have to say, so far I'm kicking tail! Thus far, I've masters A, E, I, O, U, Wo, Wa, Ka, Ke, Ki, Ko, Ku, Kya, Kyo and Kyu.
If you don't know who she is, she's the 'hostess' of "Paula's Home Cooking" on The Food Network channel. She speaks with a southern Georgia accent, always talks about her father passing away in every freakin' show, pronounces pecan as "Pee-Can" which just grates on my nerves, puts a pound of butter in just about every recipe, talks about her sons like they're the second coming of the Savoir, and uses liquor in just about every show.
Yesterday was my step-grandfather's funeral in Ada. Since I have two step-grandfathers, let me clarify that this was my mother's step-father. My step-mom's father is still alive, so that's the only grandperson I have left. But I digress...
Or so sings The Fixx...
This house is killing me. It's cluttered, it's messy, it's got outlets that do not have three-prong holes. Basically, it's a dump. The wife and I have been checking out various different houses, and hope to favor the attention of the house fairy. I'm hoping for better style and something newer, and she would rather have something closer to work. Ah, if this is our only fight over house-hunting, I think we're ahead of the pack.
You see, we (my wife and I) have this dog. A beagle to be exact. And she is a perfect angel. For a whole 20 minutes a day. The rest of that, she's a little terror. Whenever I get up from sleeping, or Jen gets home from work, Mandy (the dog) just goes absolutely nuts. She'll get under your feet, the chair, the couch, the coffee table... Generally places she's not supposed to. And she's prone to chew on everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Fake flowers? Oh yeah, she's chewed them. Wicker chair? You bet. Underside of great-grandmother's chair? You need not ask.
Ok, I should be a little ashamed to say this, but I love the Pixies. And I don't mean that "I'm a big girl and like Cory Haim" kind of love, I mean I feel a lot of passion for thier music. The group formed sometime in 1985/86 and broke up in 91. They've recently gotten back together for a reunion tour and have even released a DVD to help get the word out. As it is, I've been watching their videos and live performances all night long, and darn if I didn't get this weird feeling of enjoyment whilst watching them.