Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Web's top algarhythms suck!

Google. Yahoo. Infoseek. Even that Jeeves fellow. None of them can provide me with lyrics to "Exercise Your Choppers", one of those Saturday morning anti-junk food PSA staples along with "Make a Saturday" and "Hanker for a Hunka (a slice or slab or chunka). I remember part of the lyrics, "They're dancing in Peoria, they're jogging in L.A. Doing lots of crazy things to get and stay in shape. But if you wanna have great choppers, and The Chopper, yeah that's me. To really have great choppers, exercise your teeth!" That is from memory, so forgive me if it's a little off.

The amount of useless crap I have my head surprises even me sometimes. Remembering the opening to The Get-Along Gang? The names of the Shirt Tales? Being one of the people to work out the Lorenzo Music/Bill Murry circle when the Garfield movie came out? Why do I know this stuff? I should be more in tune with the current world.

Ask me to name any of the current supreme court judges and I'll look at you like my cat looks at me when I'm on the toilet. I haven't watched Lost, I don't know who's who on Heroes, I could really care less what Bill O'Reily has to say. Terminally unhip, chronically dorky. I yam what I yam.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to 'Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!' on NPR while sipping chai tea from my NPR pledge drive mug and maybe watching This American Life on Showtime. Heeeee!


Blogger Scott Roche said...

Checity check here.

9/7/07 9:58 AM  
Blogger Pastoral Urbanite said...

You're unhipness is what makes you great Jay, never deny it. Embrace your inner geek! Oh... and come for a visit!

27/7/07 10:14 AM  

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