I feel pretty and witty and gay....
Weight lost: 10 lbs
Inches lost: 8"+
Missing fried chicken: Hell's yes
Weight lost: 10 lbs
A few years ago, myself and several coworkers met up at Kilkenny's pub on St Patrick's day to drink, eat and have fun. We missed the last two years, so yesterday we were a schmidge disappointed to find out that our favorite little hold-in-the-wall Irish pub went global with their celebration this year. A live band, radio and television coverage, outside vendors and an on-tab beer truck made for a hard time to have fun. Table wait time was an hour and a half at best, so after an hour or so of hanging around, drinking Black & Tan's and shivering in the cold, we decided to head back to a friend's house and just drink there.
...thus sprak Ozzie.
I wrote this big long thing and after reading it, it just didn't agree with me. It's gone. Forever. Much like building a sand castle you know that is just going to be taken out with the tide in the next hour. Like writing things on my banana skins, or small words on a cigarette. Eaten. Smoked. Gone. Discarded or burned away. Forever.