Friday, April 28, 2006

Clang Clang!

When I was a kid, on the 'very' few times I got to watch MTV (usually while at a friend's house) I would pray that the video for the Run-DMC/Aerosmith version of "Walk This Way" would come on, as at that time, it was my favorite video. I had different favorite videos over time, but those were the golden years , and I'm sure my top five would come close to a few other folk's that grew up in the 80's.

A-Ha's "Take On Me", Dexy's Midnight Runner's "Come On Eilenne", Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and I can't think of any kid at the time who didn't freak out when "Thriller" came on. Times change and I've got a new favorite. It's an older song, and as so many of things on the internet these days, it's done in Flash. But it's done so well. And it's oh-so catchy.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles.

(Click on 'Watch This Movie!' to, uh, watch that movie)


I realize that I've taken a slight macabre turn recently. Watching the Chan-Wook Park trilogy will do that to a fella.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Flippin' out!

For some reason my Blogger account has been acting crazy, as you can tell by the invisible text. Don't know what's up with that...

Talked to sister #2 tonight. She's doing good, not feeling to down, moving on with life, got a nose ring.... :-) She is kicking ass and I'm proud of her.

Friends are getting promotions, moving up, moving on... Christy is doing better from her ordeal, Paul is getting training at his new job, Jennifer is still hating her job, I wish she could find something better, although she did get a replaced pooch and it is nine kinds of cute!! Talked to Dave Tuesday before last, he's doing good. Patrick's doing good. Smitty's doing good. Padre' West is doing good. Roche is doing good. Family is doing good. I think everybody is doing good.

How about you? You doing good?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Time Wasted

I could write novels about the subject. In fact, I've written several blog posts about it. I was slow to ween off the idea. The idea that I was worth something in her eyes. Any kind of pride. And now I know my answer.

And now I'm done talking about it.


Hugs go to Brooke and Christy, who are going through tough stuff. I hope you both know you've got people that care and love you, so don't feel you have to go through it alone.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Not quite Mastercard material

4-Pack of rubber silly teeth - $0.88
Electronic voice changer - $3.99
Three nieces and their goofy uncle - Priceless

Hope everybody had a good Easter. Despite some turmoil and one marriage yesterday, we had a good time today. Fried chicken was eaten, eggs were hunted, and one spider was killed (by moi). Good times...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Tapioca oozing out...

I had my CCNA bootcamp this past week. We crammed nine days worth of material into five. So needless to say, on the stuff I didn't really get before the class, I really don't have a strong grasp of afterwards. Plus my mind is flayed. MIND FLAYAH! Went out for drinks last night with the girls to decompress, we laughed, we joked, we made cute eyes at our waiter... strike that last one...

Hope to take my CCNA exam on Monday. If not, then it will have to wait a week. 60 questions in 90 minutes. I don't like tests. Despise them really. I asked the course instructor if I could pay him $23 (that's all I had in my wallet) and he could take the test for me. And since I've been the class cutup all week, I was hoping he might go for it just to get me out of the class. Apparently, he was either enjoying my antics or he's got something call morals, as he rejected my offer.

I've had five days of going to bed late and waking up early. I've had a friend in from out of town and we've been having dinner every night, so instead of going home and reviewing like I should have I was out having drinks and flirting at steakhouse waitresses. I didn't feel bad though. NOBODY in our class took their material home and studied it. heh... 15 lazy people... heh.

The place is a pit, my cat is pissed at me for ignoring her for a week and I really really really need to eat something besides restaurant food. I'll talk to you later.