Friday, April 28, 2006

Clang Clang!

When I was a kid, on the 'very' few times I got to watch MTV (usually while at a friend's house) I would pray that the video for the Run-DMC/Aerosmith version of "Walk This Way" would come on, as at that time, it was my favorite video. I had different favorite videos over time, but those were the golden years , and I'm sure my top five would come close to a few other folk's that grew up in the 80's.

A-Ha's "Take On Me", Dexy's Midnight Runner's "Come On Eilenne", Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and I can't think of any kid at the time who didn't freak out when "Thriller" came on. Times change and I've got a new favorite. It's an older song, and as so many of things on the internet these days, it's done in Flash. But it's done so well. And it's oh-so catchy.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles.

(Click on 'Watch This Movie!' to, uh, watch that movie)


I realize that I've taken a slight macabre turn recently. Watching the Chan-Wook Park trilogy will do that to a fella.


Blogger Scott Roche said...

You're a sick, twisted, pervo and I like that in a person!

1/5/06 9:43 AM  

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