Back in August in wrote about an encounter with the woman that lives behind my apartment, living single, has a boyfriend that cheated on her, embarrassed myself needlessly.... you can read about it right here.
Last night I head to the bedroom, all ready for some sleep-action when I hear shouting from the apartment behind me. "Hmm" I think to myself, "I guess either the boyfriend is back or she's picked up a new loser." And yeah, I craned my head a bit in an attempt to hear what was being argued about. Sadly it was just all muffled shouting, but it did last at least thirty minutes. 30 minutes! That takes endurance to shout that long at somebody!! I'm guessing this wasn't something about who left the cap off the toothpaste.
The jerk inside of me smiled a tiny bit. "Turn me down, will ya? Haha!"
And then that jerk went to bed alone.
I realize this blog has taken a bit of a dark tone lately and I'm not really sure why. I guess with the coming of spring I get grouchy. I need to finish Catcher In The Rye and just start my journey into manhood a few decades late.
It's better than your neighbor having a squeaky bed and a loud spanking fetish.
What Michael J Fox movie was it were he "conducted" his neighbors loud sex?
That would be 'The Secret of My Sucess" co-staring the lovely Helen Slater.
Thankfully I've never heard then doing 'it', whatever 'it' is. I think I've forgotten long ago what 'it' entails. Maybe there are cookies and flipbooks involved. I don't know...
Better to sleep alone than yell at somebody for 30 minutes at the top of your lungs. Know that. Cuz it's 100% true.
see? it's girls like that who are attracted to asshats. girls that you are attracted to because you subconsciously know that you can show them something better, but women like that wouldn't know how to react to flowers and candy and massages because it's easier to be with someone who makes you feel like a turd than be with someone you feel like you don't deserve.
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