Thursday, February 16, 2006

April in the Sky with Diamonds

Went and did a little shopping today, picked up some needed things for the kitchen and laundry area. Also, splurged on the cat a bit. Nothing much, mind you. Just a cardboard scratching box, it's supposed to be a cheap substitute for more expensive items. Like chairs and door trim. And my chest of drawers.

Anyway, the one I picked up said it was "Packed with SmartyKat Certified Organic Catnip". And I'm sure just about everyone that's owned a cat and has toyed with their feline with catnip has made the comparrison of 'nip to marijuana. Today, I finally saw the inconsistancies of this theory. First off, weed is supposed to make one mellow and mollified. Not so with catnip. I think the "organic" stuff that came with this scratching box was some killer mix of extasy and spanish fly. First, April Cat was just tripping out. I would try to pet on her a bit, but she would tear ass through the apartment, then come back, love on the box some, and then tear off again. Finally, she just came and jumped on my shoulders and started licking the back of my head. And she wasn't just doing it for fun, I mean this cat was going at it. She was on a mission to clear my noggin of any hair. I finally had to shrug her off as she was wearing one spot down and was hurting a bit. By the time I left for work she was listening to Erasure and some how was twirling two glowsticks. Very odd sight.

As I write this, I fortified the box with more catnip and she's biting the box like it's a male tom. Play-biting. Being very coy. To be honest, I feel a little bad, knowing that the 'nip is getting the cat all riled up with no outlet other than a cardboard box to scratch. Which is why she has the chairs and the door trim. And my chest of drawers.


Damn hippie cat...


Blogger Scott Roche said...

Funny stuff.

17/2/06 9:01 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

you made me laugh, but i am at work and i didn't want to give it away so i was trying to only laugh through my nose and wound up blowing snot all over myself.

but it was worth it.

16/3/06 2:16 PM  

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