Sunday, November 28, 2004

Thought this was a good one.

I read webcomics with a passion. And by passion, I mean that ever Saturday night, I clear out my work schedule and settle down to go through about 25-30 comics, reading from the previous Saturday's.

Some are good, some are great.

One in particular that is a bit of a weird one is called Sinfest. It deals with the protagonist, Slick, a hybrid of Calvin & Hobbes and Doonsbury in the fact that it's a quirky commentary on social and political agendas while still being just plain silly sometimes. A hottie, a pig, the devil and God, even a dog and cat comic sometmies, it's a varied comic sometimes, but one that I never fail to read. Sometimes the comics about religion don't always agree with me, but knowing that they don't always deal with the big Guy upstairs, I don't always have to disagree with it. Which brings me to my point...

This week there was a comic over at Sinfest, I'll point you over here so you can take a look at it yourself, where a good point was raised. At what point in this nation's history have we taken God out of...well, God? We mention him in the Pledge of Allegence, he's on our money, in our Bill of Rights, he is a lot of places and Christians are quick to point out that he would be sorely missed if the word of God was erased from these public showings. I myself get a little quick tempered when thinking about people getting upset that "Under God" is in the Pledge of Allegence. It should be there, shouldn't it? Are we not a nation under God? Do we as a society really understand what we're saying most of the time? What we as Christians are trying to convey with our hearts and our actions? Are we blowing wind? Smoke? Hot air?

When I get on a rant, I'll go back and read it some time later and wish I had taken more time and developed a more coherant thought. I'm sure that this time will be no different. Michael and David have me beat hands down in the arguement for God department. I'm just not good at it. I know what I mean in my head, but I have a difficult time conveying that thought out to other people, especially if they are against me and want to debate. In fact, I've asked for Michael's help a few times over at Chud to help with my arguements on religion. I just don't have the capacity to talk my way around things. But I would think that my core readership here, my friends and family (Hi mom!) would understand where I'm coming from on this. Does everyone think we as a society are getting away from the core message of God, even as we fight to keep the message out there? I can't speak for others, but I am guilty of forgetting why I do things sometimes, I just do them because I'm supposed to, not because I'm fired up about it. As a Christian this is probably a dangerous attitude to have, and yes I know I need to work on that. Despite what my friend Adam says, I'm hardly the poster boy for all things Jesus. I have miles of work ahead of me before this road is ready for walking on firmly. I just want to be able to know that God is there for me, and that I am there for him, even though he needs me like a fish needs a bicycle. I need him, and I know he knows that.

I feel like Paul Harvey all of a sudden. Page two!

I'm eating some Hostess Cup Cakes and have gotten chocolate on my fingers and by proxy on my keyboard. I'm a messy little piggy. Yes I am! Somebody get me a bib and a WetNap. Dayshift is going to have a field day with this work station.


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