Wicked Sweeeeeet!
Got a lot done today. This morning I woke up a little stiff, but went straight to the YMCA and signed up (again) and got my ID card and everything. Since I wasn't dressed to work out, I went to Wal-Mart (I know, hypocrite...) and looked for some brad nails, couldn't find any, so deceided to walk over to Lowe's since I didin't work out that morning. It's a good 1/5 - 1/4 mile walk from the East entrance of Wal-Mart to the West entrance of Lowe's, and the had a little multi-pack of brads, tacks and tiny nails that suited me fine. Walked around for a bit, and when I got back to my truck, saw that Jennifer had called me. She said I could pick the bed up, and that I would need a screwdriver. Damn. So I drove back over to Lowe's, popped in for a screwdriver set and then picked the bed up.
When I got home, Maintenence was here fixing my water heater. They replaced the heating element again and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Doing dishes right now, so we'll see if does the job. I set the bed up and moved some things around in the apartment. Got my internet working through the router with a quick call to the ISP. Now everything is flowing nicely, in fact this is the first post from the desktop since I've lived here in the apartments again.
Talked to Bib last night and she confirmed her participation to A-Kon, so I ordered her ticket and badge, along with mine. I am so excited that she's getting to go with me to this. It means a ton to me. Pretty much stayed busy today, which was a nice change of pace when I normally stay home up here alone. With the exception of my old sheets not fitting the mattress, it's been a good day. Just wish I had my vacuum I bought last weekend. We had taken Bib's van to go to the city with her sister and since I came back early to let Bib study without distractions, I had left in such a hurry that I had forgot the vacuum in the back of her van. D'oh!
Anyway, have the TV going, American Chopper had an all day marathon that just went off as I was typing this. Don't know what I'll do tonight. Had defrosted some pork chops, so I will throw them in the oven and maybe make a little salad, get my greens on. Looking forward to picking up Nasiccaa tomorrow, maybe Pat and I can do our old skool Tuesday buying spree. We'll see.
If anybody has any ideas of what to a get a five-year-old girl that she would love, not only to play with, but would also hold her attention for a few months, give me some holla's and let me know. I am going to get my dinner fixed and convelese on the couch for a while.
Quick thanks to Mike for cheering me up last night. I was a little down and you brought me up. I realize I am blessed and very much so. Everybody have a good Mondizzy!
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