Famous people I don't know.
I was in the shower tonight, thinking of all the prank calls I've made in my lifetime. This was of course before Caller-ID, and much more easier to accomplish. Sadly, I only did this when I would stay late at Adam and Jared West's dad's office. We would go there late at night, play goofy computer games (remember text-based Star Trek?) and order pizza or grab Schlotskys and bring it back and make stupid calls to undeserving people. Although I wasn't there the night it happened, I do remember them telling the tale of them prank calling Richard Pryor. Not the cocaine-addled comedian, but an older retired gentlemen who lived in Ada. "Say man, I loved you in Superman 3!" Ah, good times...
There was also a few Bill Murreys that lived in my home town, and were also at the end of my poor attempts at being funny. "Hi, is this Bill Murrey's house? It is? Well then I loved you in Caddyshack!" *click* Yes, it is clear to me now that my poor excuse for humor was never highbrow.
Adam had a pretty good one. Some poor unfortunate soul had to live down the last name "Whitehead". Adam called them up and ask "Is this the Blackhead residence?", "No, I'm sorry, this is the Whitehead residence." My good buddy came back with "Oh sorry, I must have the wrong pimple! Ha ha!" *click*
The funny thing is, he knew the people he was calling, and when he later asked the wife what her husband thought of the call, she said he was very pissed off and wanted to kick our heads in. Heh, I can't blame him, but come on, that was pretty funny. You know you want to laugh at it. Go ahead, it's ok. Go on, I'll wait...
I never did the standard Prince Albert in a can/Refrigerator running gags. I prefered to call businesses and act all hacked off at some poor service I had supposedly gotten. I'm sure I had caused some write-ups on some poor guy that didn't deserve it. Looking back, it was very childish and very stupid. These days I don't find prank calls funny, unless of course they are Ed-based. "Yaaay!", then at which time I wlll giggle like a retard and laugh out loud. I went through a Jerky Boys phase, a Moms Mabry phase, and then Crank Yankers is my latest one. The one where Wanda Sykes is chewing out the car detailing place for leaving a piece of human fecal matter in her auto was priceless.
Speaking of goofy things I've done, I want to take a moment and mention one of my favorite ones. When I was working at a local pizza joint and gotten an offer to test memory for a then-local computer memory reseller, I jumped at the chance. On my last day at the pizza place, I called up a different chain and had them deliver a pizza to me while I was on shift. At that point I didn't care and hated the manager there where I worked. He was a self-absorbed jerkwad and never did like me, so I felt I was justified when Pizza Hut came through the drive-thru and dropped off my meal. It was the best pizza I ever ate. I split it with the stoner there and that was his last day too. In fact, he was leaving because I was leaving. He said it just wouldn't be fun without me to brighten his normally dismal day, so I thought that was pretty cool. Cool that is, until he and I shared an apartment and he stiffed me for 4 months of rent. But I digress...
I have no idea how to end this blog, so I will instead point you to the cutest thing I have seen today!!
Wait. You mean creepiest right? With that picture. Creepy. Cute. I can see how you’d type the wrong word, they both kinda start the same and all, with the “c” and both have vowels. Surely, just an oversight.
You and Adam probably called my cousin, Mary and David. Trust me, David would have kicked your heads in. I used to do the standard prank call stuff, but I also eavesdropped. Remember when we had party lines??? Well, we (Christi and I) would pick up the phone and listen ever so quietly to our next door neighbor as she chatted it up. We always had the latest dirt.. but who needs dirt when your nine? We just thought it was funny she didn't realise we were listening.
Oh, that's such a cute pic.. lemme guess her name.. .is it Emerald Chalise?? Ohh that was wrong HAHAHA.
When Adam's sister Susie lived in Francis, she had a party line too. We would pick up the phone and just listen in on the conversations. They would get mad and either hang up or threaten us, but we never got caught. My grandmother had a party line too for a long time. I think up until 88 or so. Crazy.
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