Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Muted World

Well, it turns out that the medicine actually cost $40 with insurance, but still that's a heck of a lot better than $115. I'll take that any day of the week. Bib suggested (a little late) that I should have gotten the generic, an option I had completely never thought of. See people, that's why this woman is so special to me. Even when faced with tests and children and drawing blood and running around the trama center, she can still think more clearly than I ever could. *sigh* I also STILL can not hear, it's like living in a fish bowl. If you tapped my head, it would most likey implode.

I should also point out that Bib had picked out an awesome teddy bear for me for Valentine's Day. It was up for a silent auction at work, and she put in a bid for it, but never could get time away from helping a deluge of sick people to recheck it and some jerkwad (Damn you!) got MY teddy bear. There is only one thing I must do, and that is hunt this person down for sport and take back what is mine. Right? Right!

Speaking of Brigette, tomorrow morning at 0900 she goes in to take a pre-nursing test. It's something of a screener to see if a person is even capable of taking nursing classes. I never knew that nursing was such a demanding position but my lady friend has really opened my eyes to it. Anyway, she is a tad nervious and I can't blame her. I always get sick at my stomach before tests, so I feel for her. Being filled with nervous energy can make a person just wired with anxiety. I have faith she will come out on top though. If she can tap a vein on a druggie with blown lines, drawn several tubes on a 10-month old, taking cultures and samples (of all kind!!) with a smile on her face, then I firmly believe she is going to be a nurse! Must be all that manga I've been reading, but I think she has the heart to do it, so some silly test will not stand in her way.

I ask you all to laugh at me as I am just now getting internet at my little hovel on Thursday. I am also getting my water heater replaced after living five months having to manually reset my heater everytime I wanted to do dishes or take a shower. Nothing like running late for work and having to take a frigid wash because I had forgot to push the button on the beast.


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