Revenge of the Geeks!!
Ok, I knew there had to be a better test out there for us geeks, not just a nerd test. So after a little googling (which should have gotten me points right there) I found The Geek Test!
I scored a very nice 62.52465% which would classify me as an extreme geek. I am very proud of this number, as it just shows that I am defined by my lifestyle, and that lifestyle is very geeky. Between comic books, role-playing, anime, anime conventions, graphing calculators, reading nerd books and just general weirdness, I am without a doubt a geek.
And really, is that such a bad thing? I should take a second to point out that my sister Brooke thinks that convention I go to every year is for Chinese Mythology. And although that does sound kind of neat, that is not what it is. Although I do know I was born in the year of the Tiger and that this year is the Rooster year. But that is more calendar stuff that geek stuff I guess.
Anyway, I want to know what you scored people! Let me know!
Anime could techically be called mythology, even though it's japanese and not chinese...
69.42801% - I am a Geek God.
45.95661% I am a Super Geek. I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't higher, but I got killed on most of the computer stuff.
In my defense, there should have been as many questions about Trek, SW, comic books and D&D as there were computer stuff. That's the problem with all you computer geeks. You think that you're somehow superior to us culture geeks. So of course, the online Geek Test would be angled toward computer geeks. I think I should also get bonus points for berating the Geek Test because it wasn't properly balanced toward all geeks.
I'm not saying I should be top geek. I do have friends and a social life, after all. But I should have been at least higher than 50%. I mean, come on. I own Trek technical manuals, 100+ action figures, and multiple books about historical linguistics. Seriously.
87% and I'm a little hacked that Blogger doesn't allow HTML in its comments.
I scored 5
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