At least he didn't punch him...
Ok, I don't normally post links to movies, but I found this one way to funny. It reminds me of the Rodney King beating. I'm not condoning the King beating, but I have watched the tape, and the guy kept getting up while the cops were beating him, all while telling King to "Keep down! Stay down!". Now, if I had seven L.A. police officers around me with billy clubs beating the snot out of me, I'm going to try and obey what they say. But that's just me, I'm a different bread of cat I guess.
Anyway, this video is of a guy stopped by an officer who while talking to the cop, decides he wants to be combative and then gets what he deserves. I wonder why some people are so stupid. Drugs? Alcohol? Inbreading? Click me! It's work safe, so don't worry about watching this on the clock. There is some yellin' so mind your volumn.
In other news, I'm working tonight. Can't kiss Bib because I'm here and she's there and I can't FedEx a kiss, no matter how creative I get. New Year's Eve and no one to smootch other than co-worker Darryl. I hope he brings his Binaca... Hmm. I wonder what Vest-Guy is doing tonight?
Quick note, have you ever noticed how many gay references I make to myself? I wonder why I do that? Do gay men do the opposite? I wonder if Adam ever says "Yeah, I got a girl pregnant once. I find that Anna Kornikova HOTT! I've got all of The Donna's posters and CD's!" No? Just me? Ok... moving on.
OK, actually, I do that. I'm not one of those weird gay men with a boob fetish, but I like to pretend I'm straight once in a while. A few years ago I had an erotic dream about my friend Stacey and went around telling everyone about it. Stacey and I often joke about having a threesome with her fiance. He gets really excited about it.
Anyway, you're not the only one. I also know lots of straight guys who constantly make gay references to themselves. It's just a thing, I guess.
And that's the thing, I don't mean anything mean spirited about it, I just like the fact that I'm making straight men really uncomfortable. I know they are laughing with me on the outside, but on the inside they're thinking "Does Jay really think of me in that fashion?". Heh heh... I'm just funny that way. Not 'Conan O'Brien' funny, mind you, but 'straight-guy-pretending-to-be-swishy' funny.
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