Stop! In the name of Love!
It's been said that everybody has their person, their 'true love' in the world. And that you can find that person, if you have the patience and even if you need a compass, night goggles and a pickaxe, you'll find that person and if you're lucky you'll hold on to them and hold them tight.
But let say that this line of reasoning is flawed, which I think it is somewhat. I think a person can be loved by somebody for different reasons other than them being 'the one true one'. It can be that they came along at a time when they needed somebody, or maybe that they were a hero figure of sorts, or possibly they made themselves into a hero figure. Or maybe it was a chance meeting of two lonely people who needed somebody right then in their lives.
Well, regardless of what the reason is, I think it's vital to keep looking for that right one until you've found him or her. You never know when they'll pop up. But there is a catch, as there is always is a catch in fairy tale situations... the catch is to never let them go. If you have to go through dragons, wicked step-mothers, or crazy ex's, never stop in your persuit of your one true love.
I thank my readers for the love they have given me, some more than others. I think this will be my last post for a while. Maybe forever, I don't really know. I'm wanting to move on with my life, out of the blog department. Somethings change, but somethings remain the same. We'll see which is the constant and which is the variable with time.
Love to all
You can't have the internet with the House of Mild Amusement... Are you kidding... all reality would fold in on itself and the world would move on... I'm going with Smitty on this one...
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