Sad news
I had gotten 'the call' last night from Mom. I'm sad to say that her father passed away around 7:30 after a hard battle with cancer. I am told that he never got to be as bad as my grandmother, but that any fight with the big "C" takes it's toll on a person. Recently, he was not able to breath, eat right, do basic functions.
Well, I guess I'm supposed to say that he's in a better place, but it seems a little trite right now. Everybody says that, and frankly I'm tired of it.
So I'll just say that his suffering is now over. He is not laboring to draw breath anymore, and that is a good thing. I'd like to think that maybe he's driving down the road to that big McDonald's in the sky to have some coffee and a sausage biscuit, his favorite.
Rest easy O.L. you've certainly earned it.
My prayers go out to Nancy, her sisters, and the girls.
notice the time this was posted :)
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