Monday, August 02, 2004

Paris the Cowboy


I've told this story to some people, but it still bears repeating. This is a little amusing tale about my niece Paris. As many people know, sometimes if I come down to Ada, I'll stay up all night at work and then go drive to Ada and usually just stay up 24-30 hours in a row to visit people.
On a Sunday about two months ago, I make it to Mom and Dad's house, and it turns out my sister Brooke left her oldest child, Paris, at the folk's home. So when I get there, I get to see my niece which is a rare treat. Mom notices I look tired and suggests that I try and lay down and get what sleep I can before other kids show up. Mom's are good that way, and I treasure mine. (Thanks mom!) Anyway, I close the door to the bedroom and just lay down, don't even undress or take my shoes off, that's how tired I was.
I wasn't in there a minute before Paris comes through. "What are you doing?" comes the curiousness of a child. "I'm sleeping, what are you doing?" She kind of laughs, "Nothing" and comes and sits on the bed right next to me. We make small talk for a while and then she decides she wants to play, so she climbs up on my back and start riding my back like a horse. I pretend to be squashed and make funny noises which just sends her into giggles ('cuz I'm a good uncle that way) and I say to her "You must be the best cowgirl in the world!"
She just stops and says, "I'm not a cowgirl, I'm a cowBOY!" I kinda smile, because I know she loves her daddy very much and as such has a tendency to emulate him. I try and tell her that boys have cooties and are gross, and that since she's a girl, she's all pretty and smells like flowers all the time. She just rolls her eyes and says, "Don't start that again...". I tell her again that I'm pretty sure she's a girl and not a boy. I was there at her birth, and baring any mutant or genetic surprises, she's still the same.
At this point she gets quiet and kinda leans forward and says, "Ok, I'm going to PROVE to you that girls are gross." She then gets up and makes her way to the bedroom door, which had been open until this point. She closes it quietly and comes back onto the bed. "Ok" she says, "You can't tell anybody about this..."

Well heck yeah I freak out!

"What are you going to show me?" I ask, fully prepared to run away at the first possible sign of danger. It was at that second that mom opens up the door and says "Paris, leave Jay alone and let him get some sleep." I had never been so relieved in all my life. So thanks to mom I was saved an embarrasing situation.

I should point out that I never would have let it go 'that far' to wear I think she was going with it. The only reason it got as far as it did was because I was still laying on my stomach, trying to get some sleep. I was just lazy and hoping that the problem would go away. Luckily I was resuced by the maternal unit, who tends to look out after me.

I want to point out that I have three wonderfull nieces and I love each and every one of them. I also have two nephews who are pretty awesome as well. And that's not to mention all of my friend's kids! So to Tyler, Logan, Paris, Paige, Taylor, David Paul, Brenden, Mary, Brooklyn, Theran, Sidney, Tamara, John David and (last but certainly not least) Jamison, Jute, and that's not to forget my youngest cousin Conner, all of whom I don't see nearly enough, I hope you all grow up and become great people like I know you all are. If you ever need something, you are all welcome to come and ask.


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