Friday, July 02, 2004


So, I talked to our loan officer yesterday and I get some grave news and some good news. First the good news: We've been approved! Now the bad news: It's going to be about $900 a month if we buy the home we're thinking of. That's way more than I had planned on spending. I was heartbroken, and I actually shed a couple of tears as this was just putting me in such a bad mood. Things had been going bad since the previous night, and Jen and I got into a spat, I was having problems with my new laptop, and it just seemed that money was going to be tight for the next 30 years. I was, as they say, a little emotional.

Thankfully I have a wife who is a quick thinker, sometimes quicker than me. This is a very good thing. She checked online and found a decent house for much cheaper (about $13,000 less) than the ones we had picked out. Maybe since she's off today we might check it out and mabye if it's a good looking one, we'll talk to our realtor and see what the next course of action is.

My main concern is this: should one of us lose our jobs, I don't want to have to be living from paycheck to paycheck. I want to be able to know that we'll have a little money in the back leftover every month in case we need some emergency cash. If we're going to be paying $900 towards a house that I'm not absolutly in love with, it's not going to work. God-willing, this will all work out.


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