Friday, July 09, 2004

He didn't fall? Inconceivable!

So, I'm flipping around on IMDb and I run across a movie that Anton LeVey almost had a part in, thereby giving him movie star status. If you don't know who LeVay is, consider yourself a fine and upstanding citizen. He is the author of the The Satanic Bible, and the founder of the modern day Church of Satan. According to his biography in IMDb (hey, I was bored), he led a very active lifestyle, was very intelligent and had from what I could tell, had an ideal family.

Granted, this isn't exactly Ozzie and Harriet. He was most assuredly a bad man, fond of womanizing as well as rule-breaking. Now, that in and of itself doesn't make him a 'bad' man, as I know people like that. But any simularities between my friends and LeVey stops there. His mission in life was to live the creed of "Do what you want, right now, no matter the consequenses." Apparently the Church of Satan isn't all that bad, it just means living your life the way you want to live it, rules and morals don't matter, monogamy is old-fashioned idea, and hooded black robes are in vogue.

What scares me is that black robes aside, we as a society are living our lives this way right now. Just by watching television you can tell that our attitude towards a decent standard of living has gone away. I'm not going to start bible-thumping, but I do want to make a few points. I really don't like the way that girls are dressing way too provocitive. I don't mean like, 16-17 year olds. I'm talking 12-13 year olds. The day I see my nieces wear mini-skirts and way-to-tight t-shirts, I'm going to clutch my chest and start weaving around like Fred Sanford. I don't like the fact that doctors want to push a pill down every kid's throat for a solution instead of addressing the root of the problem. I don't like the fact that Garfield: The Movie got greenlit and then made while I'm still waiting on a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China. And I especially don't like the fact that interest rates are rising and I'm going to have to pay out the wahzoo for our house.

Ok, those last two were a bit much, but my point is this: Anton LeVey is dead. He died of pulmonary edema back in 1997, which any search on Google will tell you is fluid accumulation and swelling in the lungs. Sounds like a bad way to go, even for such an evil man. It's a shame he couldn't have found joy in his life like so many of my friends and family have. Surely if a person has backward as I am could find it, I would think a man of his talent and experience should have stumbled across the path of righteousness a few times in his life.

Maybe, just maybe, this means that I'm more perceptive, more cunning and more intelligent than Anton LeVey. And that, I already knew.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very insightfull, I would have to agree with you, about the garfield movie, not that you were more intelligent. Just kidding, But I would have the say, "That was fast, was that fast, I think that was fast."

10/7/04 11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You never actually came out and said it, but from your reference, I'm assuming you mean to say that he was almost cast in "the princess bride" ???

I've just read Anton LeVey's bio, didn't see anything to mention any involvement or near involvement with movies..

Just wondering...


14/7/04 3:39 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

MagnAxiom, LeVey was wanted for a part as the "satanic man" part of the "satanic couple" that Enid muses about in "Ghost World". It doesn't list on his bio, but it is mentioned in the Ghost World trivia on IMDb.

15/7/04 4:30 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

And that, my friend, is what made Anton LeVey so strange...

19/7/04 7:26 PM  

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