Friday, September 23, 2005

Red Badge of Courage

Let me set the stage. My cat, as most cats do, love attention and will whore themselves out to just about anybody to have their heads rubbed. April is no exception and doesn't like other *things* that take my time and focus, as such she is extremely jealous of my computer, and will automatically come between me and my binary goddess whenever I come over here to do computy-things. Wednesday I was doing my post-shower ritual of checking my email, when the cat thought to herself that she needed some lovin'. Usually, she will step on the back of the chair, above the cushion and onto my shoulder. Unfortunate for me and my un-clothed back, that did not go as planned that morning. This time she stepped on the cushion, cushion folded under her weight and as she was falling with the grace of a cinder block, dug a bloody trench with her claws the length of my spin. So naturally I cussed as loud as I possibly could, with fire and brimstone coming forth from my lips, throwing thunder and lightening with my verbal assault. I'm sure my mother would be proud...

Anyway, yesterday I had an itch on my back and while I was scratching it, I felt the scab the cat's actions left. I looked in the mirror and sure enough, it's a tiny jagged line about 2 feet straight down from my shoulder blades to my waist. It was a little tender, but oh-so-awesome looking. Now I'll hopefully have a scar I can impress people with.

I'll be down at the pub, swapping stories with the local drunkards. "Oh, that was good scar story Bob, but let me show the one I got from a knife fight in Cambodia..." I'll whip off my shirt and after all the smaller women faint from my pure manliness, the rest of the bar will line up to buy me drinks.

Hey, a little artistic license never hurt anybody. :)

Actually, it's not really that bad at all. But with an imagination like mine, I can mold it into something better. Anything. Weapon-X surgury, bum fight out behind Kroger's, tussle with wild beasts while out saving babies from tornados... I'll think of something.

Wishing lots of luck to my buddy Scott who is doing a very good Samaritan thing and taking much-needed supplies to the unfortunate people in the Gulf Coast area. He's a good Christian man, and is capable of turning out a comic strip or two (the two we're waiting on) when he wants. Prayers and well-wishes are with you Mr. Roche! Ship us some boudain if you can. heh...

Talked to Paul last night, we're still on like Donkey Kong for the trip to Houston. I am just hoping that there isn't going to be a big problem getting around down there. The news said that the highway closed and several businesses have closed shop until Rita blows herself out, so staying at a hotel might be tougher than I thought, in addition to the several hundred refugees from N'awlins already there that might have taken up bording at the Holiday Inn.

Either way, shouldn't be a big deal. If I have to reshedule my appointment, it won't be a hassle. I've waited 16+ years to talk to someone credible, I can wait until after the new year if need be.

Have you had your sticky buns this morning?


Blogger Scott Roche said...

Thanks for the shout out Jay! I just hope that lack of correspondence from Travis means that his job interview went will and he went down to TJ for tatoos, tequilla, and tacos. Maybe we can get the secind strip up next week!

23/9/05 2:35 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Indeed...I did have my sticky buns this morning...right after the cookiedoodle.

24/9/05 12:04 PM  

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