Saturday, September 10, 2005

I love Squirrels + D'Kay!

As with any Foamy rant, I should add with the link a note that there is some strong language therewithin. I've only posted one other one of these, for the A-Kon rant the fine folks at Ill Will Press did, and this one was too good not to make you aware of it again. Our favorite cartoony hyperactive squirrel goes off on the people that are not doing their part for the Katrina sufferers. Click the link on the bottom left labeled "FOAMY HURRICANE REPORT" and give some money if you can afford it to some people who can't.

Sure, it's not high society humor, but I like it. :)

Also, Delaney get's hitched next Saturday, so there's one more I won't be getting. I'm wishing her and the other Jay good times and a great life together. A few of you have met her and I've gushed about her to the rest that haven't. She's an awesome gal and deserves lots of happiness, I just hope this doesn't mean she will stop wearing PVC clothing... ;)

So Good Luck Delaney and go watch Foamy!


Blogger Scott Roche said...

Go Ms. D'kay!

12/9/05 7:33 AM  

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