Saturday, August 27, 2005

INXS? More like INXSucks!

I keed, I keed...

Had breakfast this morning with my new crew at the Barrel of Crackers. It felt odd eating there without Patrick, seeing as every meal save one in the past three years that I've had there has been with him. It was a nice meal, as every guy brought their beautiful wives and the two single guys at the table somehow wind up next to each other. As Deleany would say, it was a sausage-fest.

Anyway, I got on a minor discussion with Ed's wife Emily about INXS. She's been watching the new show about their search for a new lead singer and apparently was quite the fan back in her day. And I'm cool with that, I'm not one to knock musical preferences (Rasputina shall remain out of this convo), but I am unaware that anybody could be a fan of INXS.

To my recollection, they had all of three songs. In order, they were: Need You Tonight, New Sensation and Devil Inside. That is it. I have been told by Ed's feisty better half that I am entirely misinformed and that she would more than happy to loan me her cassette tapes to brush up on my obvious lacking in pre-suicide Hutchence material.

Now granted, this would be like some schmoe meeting me for the first time and telling me that the Pixies or Barenaked Ladies are complete hacks and from there on out it would just be a tornado of fingernails and teeth. If I may quote Dane Cook, "Shit would be on! On like Donkey Kong!" I'm willing to look past my musical lackings (I'm sure Brigette could more than retell of my asking on several occassions "Who is this?") and give them a listen to. I know several of my favorite bands have great songs that nobody knows simply because those songs are not played on the radio. And thats all I know of INXS, nothing but their radio stuff.

Ok, granted, this was a fluff post. I apologize for that. Just felt I had to write something but the sad-sack stuff I'm prone to post more often than I really care to. Still having more trouble in the post-breakup than I had thought I would. Anyway, going to try and be more cheerful.

To say I'm sorry, here is a pic of Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls:

Any woman that can have scroll work for eyebrows is ok in my book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not met sad-sack Jay, only INXS ignorant Jay. He sat across from me this a.m. at breakfast eating oats and bananas. I tried to show him the light that is the music of INXS by loaning him a couple of tapes but, alas, my better half left them by the front door on his way to work. Jay's music revolution will have to wait until Tuesday...

devoted INXS fan,
beautiful wife (thanks),
fiesty better half,

I still don't know who the Pixies are.

27/8/05 9:19 PM  
Blogger Jay said...


At the risk of sounding like a smitten (yet very hurt) college student, I will offer to make you a CD of a very choice selection of Pixie tunes. You should drive to and fro work and sing them at high volumn. Good times will be had!

And I'll try not to get ghetto sauce all over your INXS tapes Tuesday when we're eating Big Daddy's... :-D

27/8/05 9:33 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I should also point out that my very first post was about the Pixies. If you delve deep, you may find it.

27/8/05 9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cd offer.

Most things in our house have Big D ghetto sauce on them; just ask Ed.

I am not delving any deeper than I already have, man.

And, thanks for getting me hooked on the soap opera about Judd and his wife and Asshead. When am I supposed to fold laundry if I'm addicted to blogs?

I'm out.

27/8/05 9:51 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

It's easy...start your own. Blogging is one part voyerism, one part exhibitionism and two parts random crap nobody cares about.

Besides, it might give us good ammo against Ed... heh...

27/8/05 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys will acquire plenty of ammo on your own. (Just kidding, Ed.:P)

Please note: Ed wanted me to look at your loyal sidekick's (aka Patrick's) webpage but I'm not allowed to.

I am totally computer illiterate. There is no way I could put a picture on a blog, website or anything else.

I saw on your profile that you are a Cancer; so am I. I also teach the kids at school about the Narnia books every year (I read The Magician's Nephew to them and we read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe together and the rest is up to them) and I've read Ender's Game twice. The Barenaked Ladies are great but some of your movie choices are highly questionable...

27/8/05 10:30 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

*falls to knees*


Em, I always thought the Narnia books were wonderful reading, regardless that they were kids books. And Jen, that's ok. The Pixies weren't for everybody. But they suit me just fine. :)

28/8/05 4:31 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Christy, asking me if "I" know any 80's music is like asking the Pope if he knows any Catholic people. ;)

And yes Jen, I do like some country. And if I recall, that McDonald's girl had a smile, so innocent and warm, she was an angel in a polyester uniform. :D

28/8/05 11:29 PM  

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