Warming back up
Mini-Kiss is an all-midget Kiss band. Early this year the Mini-Peter Cris quit the band and he was replaced by a Mini-Eric Carr.
That is just awesome.
I'm supposed to get a bonus here at work soon. Don't start hitting me up for money just yet. I'm worried that it will be a "Jelly of the month" kind of thing.
Hey Boss. I can't pay the rent with Boysenberry. Gimmie da cassssh.
My sister is moving on from a bad time, and I just want to say that I'm very proud of her for staying strong.
Kevin & Melissa Waterman are having a baby!! W00t!
I've got nothng. I'll be back from my mini sabbitical soon.
Jesus Christ! Lay off the Buffy shit!
This is suppose to be a running joke if it is taken personal then I promise no more will be said on this blog. Oh yeah Buffy rules!!!
If it's a joke, that's fine. But fanatically harping on someone to watch some show (which is utter garbage anyway) doesn't give them any real incentive.
Also claiming something is terrible when one doesn't have a full reference to it is also silly. I like Buffy, and I think it's a good show. I just haven't found time to devote to it lately, hence Christy's comment.
Just because you don't like it doens't mean it's utter shit.
I've watched it....God help me, at least 5-6 episodes from each season. My Netflix queue will never get those placeholders back for it either.
...and it's shit.
You're just a ball of fuckin' sunshine, aren't ya buddy?
Well, I was never a big Scooby fan either...which could explain my Buffy disdain.
First of all, how's the gotee coming for con?
Second, only someone with a minimal amount of intelligence would call Buffy "utter garbage." An occasional viewing does not hone the palate to the great level of hilarity that Buffy requires.
Grow up...and start watching the most fantastic show of all time.
Typical Whedon zealot. They fall for it all the time, Jay.
...and in just TWO posts!
Do you really not know sarcasm when you hear it? Yes, I'm a fan but that post was meant to be taken lightly.
I will go to my grave wishing that Tara could have came back. Amber Benson is Mrs Amber Haney in my little universe.
And to answer your question Erin, the goat will be awesome sauce when you see it!!
Well...the sauce will probably be IN the goatee when you see it.
MINI-KISS!!! NO WAY. That totally rocks.
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