Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Happy Dos de Mayo, mi amigos!

Had a mixed weekend. Mixed, meaning it was sweetness and John Wayne movies and doodlebugs and missed plans and cancellations and an invite to snuggle with Delaney. On the exam of life, this weekend passed (as a whole), but only because of extra credit done Monday.

A member of our group will not be attending A-Kon with us this year. I won't say who, but he's an ex-Baptist minister that lives on 14th St next to the old Peripheral building. I was a tad upset to learn this. Not so much that "I didn't want to go with a bunch of guys (and Erin!) and watch lonely, attention-starved people dress up in Sailor Moon outfits" kind-of-way, but in a "I've got a new woman and she's hot and I'm going to spend the weekend with her in Kansas at a wedding for people I don't really know." kind-of-way. He realized that his planned weekend with the ladyfriend is the same planned weekend of Atomic Sushi & Pocky & Ramune with us. Naturally, we lost out to her Queen Hawtness. And he realized all this the previous Monday. A full seven days later, I find out from somebody else. I've been harping about this for close to 24 hours now. and I'm just about done. Granted, the new girlfriend is super awesome and really cute, she says her boobs are bigger than mine (still to be determined) and she can knock back liquor like a pro. We discussed placenta facials (long story) and she didn't even bat an eye. Well, she did bat an eye, but it was at her Smitten Kitten or Sniggle Bunny whatever the hell they call each other. ;)

The red-headed Haley was tending the bar that night. She tended it very well. I may have gone over 17% with my tip. I was a little infatuated as she is very cute and very congenial. I want to say she's hot, but I think Paris Hilton copyrighted that phrase, and this bastard will be damned if he pays royalties to that skizzank. Huzzah!

It seems the Monday dinner has expanded to include Smitty. Which is cool, as it's not to often we get to do adult stuff together. Having a kid is great and hanging out with him and his son is a fun time, but sometimes I've got to get a friend plied with rubbing alcohol and Grenedine and hope for fun times. Some places still frown on having children where drunk people gather, so he had a plethora of drinks, sans child. Fun times.

Also, innuendo was flying around Martini's Bar at a great numbers and high velocity. I think I may need to complete some sensitivity training after today. No man, midget or gay bar drinks was spared from my forked tongue. It seems that after a little sauce I can lose my cherub-like demeanor.

Afterwards Paul B. and Jay B. hung out until the early morn. We discussed books, movies, books again, had Black Cherry Coke and Gatorade while tales of the strongest 2-year-old were told. He loaned me text, I repromised to bring down things I had promised a month ago. Christy, sorry I missed you, but you had to be sleeping and it's all your fault, really. I mean, who actually sleeps on a work night anyway? Psssh!


Cat, if you read this, you are one of us now. You have been initiated unto the fold. Come 2007, he will have no excuse not to make it and neither will you. And thanks for the shots. :D


Blogger Patrick said...

5 of 2? What are you Borg now?

3/5/06 12:51 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

Fixed, cabrone!

3/5/06 7:44 AM  

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