Two doctors, a fat guy and a cute kid are in a doctor's office...
Monday we find our way over to Baylor College of Medicine, sign in and do the waiting game. That game didn't seem so long as there was this super adorable baby walking around the waiting room giving everybody the big eyes. Paul mentioned that he was starting to miss his son David the night before, so I an imagine that by this point he was ready to go home and be with his baby boy.
They call my name, take my BP and weight (verified weight lost! Yay!) and I see a interm doctor that asks me about everything I remember about the past history I have with TS. I felt really comfortable with this guy, as he didn't make it seem weird or strange, so I was telling him everything I could think of. I won't go into detail, but it was refreshing to deal with someone knowledgable of my problem as opposed to the past three neurologists I've seen here in Oklahoma.
After that I saw the big cheese, Dr Joseph Janivic. He comes in with the previous doctor in tow plus some woman that never gets introduced. Dr. Kenny (the afore-mentioned doc) starts recapping my history to Janivic and the anonymous woman who is taking notes. I start feeling extremely self-conscience as I don't know if this woman is a doctor or a nurse or just Janivic's note-taker. I find out later she is a visiting Turkish doctor doing a study with the Baylor Neurological Department, and had I known that at the time I wouldn't have minded, but when Dr. Kenny starting going down the laundry list of my quirks and oddities it was a uncomfortable.
Anyway, it turns out that the medication I've been taking for the last twenty years is what doctors that don't know what they are doing prescribe. At least that is what I was lead to believe. The new stuff I got is not FDA-approved, has to be shipped from Cambridge, England, I have to sign a waiver for it and cost $170 a bottle. Daaaaamn! I'm hoping the FDA approves this soon so I can start getting it covered under my insurance. So I got the new pills, some new meds for the ADD situation, and some new information about my affliction. Good times.
We also managed to see one of Paul's old Marine buddies, squeezed in game 4 of the Cubs-Astros wildcard series (Cubs lost!) and watched "Serenity" on Sunday night. So where it not for the problems listed yesterday and that includes getting lost so many stinking times it was a very good trip. I have to do it again in February, so I hope that I can find another traveling partner. Anybody free?
I'll go as long as you promise not to lead me in front of a bus... I still have DC flashbacks! :) Glad to hear that the trip was worth the drive. I hope the new meds work and that you don't grow a third eye on your shoulder or something weird like that.
I feel bad enough for almost killing you, let alone only seeing the bathroom of the Smithsonian. :P
And if I had a third eye on my shoulder, you know I would TOTALLY show it off to everybody!
Hey, I wish I could come down and go with you, but I'll be knee-deep in Mongolia and the struggles of King Lear. Nevertheless, I will see you next weekend!
Also, I know it's probably not doable, but there's a TS Awareness Conference here in Rochester at the end of October; I think the 28th or something. I don't know if you could make it, but you can obviously stay with me if it's doable. I could go with you to that. :o)
Uh...HeLLO? I am already aware of TS...
You dork. It's a conference about latest studies and advances, and all that. You're dumb, and your momma dresses you funny.
"And now a word from our Asian field reporter, Trisha Takanawa. Trisha?"
"Thanks Tom. We're one the steps of Congress today where thay are passing a bill that declares today "Adam is a Doodoo Head Day". Back to you."
"Boy, Diane, that Adam *IS* a Doodoo head, isn't he?"
"He sure is Tom."
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