Reposting of FURY!
I had already posted a blog about things that set me off, but what the heck, I'll do it again.
1: Top of the list: People who leave their carts in parking spaces.
Come on, how hard can it be to spend 30 seconds to prevent from being a jerk? There is precious little I hate in this world than either pulling into or pulling out of a space where someone has left their cart. More often than not I will return it myself, that's how much I hate it. Voluntary exercise!! Grrr! Make Jay Smash!
2: Toilet paper on the toilet
Ok, I know there are some misguided germaphobes out there that like to either use the toilet sheet, or make one by placing pieces of TP on the seat. But it would seem to me, to be of courtesy to the next stall guest, that you flush that stuff away. I don't what to have to deal with a person's inability to use a public seat. Women are different, as Bib has explained to me. They hover, so I guess that excludes them...
3: Ball bouncing outside my living room window
Come on. That's just being a dick. Stop it
4: 80% of ECC
I work in what is essentially a big room, and as such we are spread out quite a bit. But sound travels very well in here, and different groups have a hard time of keeping their laughing and music and conversations about nothing down to a level where they don't bother me. Maybe it's my Archie Bunker nature, but the more I listen to these people bray like donkey's, the more it irritates me.
Ok, not a long list, but four that get my blood boiling quick. I had thought about making tomorrow's post about things I like, but after kitten kisses and rainbows, I have a short list. We'll see... ;-) Have a good one!
just because you twist things to change people perseption of you doesn't change who you are. I hope these readers realize that, since we are on the subject of things that really get to us. I'd watch myself, some things come back to haunt you later
Is that right, Mr. Valentine? Well, then I'll be sure to watch myself in the future then, since you suggested it.
In the future, at least have the courage to use your name.
Some cowards are just jealous.
there's nothing to be jealous of, no one has anything I want or need. I just find it rather funny how people twist the truth. And the "I'd watch myself," was just a little advise to save you from yourself, no one else. No one else would waste any time for as little
Great post, I thought your comments about what make you angry were amusing and thorough.. you obviously put in a good deal of time and effort
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hmmm... interesting ideas on the anonymous commenter, but Jay, I really dont' think it's Josh. I think you might look a little closer to home on this one. Besides, by getting all pissy and throwing blind punches out there all you are doing is asking for more. What do you care what an anonymous commenter says? Don't sweat the small stuff... It's a public blog for Petes sake.
Pretty lippy whoever it is.
Kitten kisses? Rainbows? DUDE, if those are on your list, I'm betting it's a long one. Raindrops on roses? Whiskers on kittens? Bright copper kettles? Warm woolen mittens?
I'll stop.
Brown paper packages tied up with string...
Yeah yeah. I loved that movie and not ashamed to say it. Although my favorite part was the puppet show. "Yodelay, yodelay, yodelay heehoo!"
That sounds like me calling for the Postalley guy... "Yo! DeLay!"
and yet you wonder how I can question your fake issues??
not as much as my sexuality gets called into question...
Anyone that spells perception with an "s" needs help.
I think I just got who the anonymous commenter is/was. HE has a twin. HE thinks he is God. HE is also a very closeted gay man... does this clear anything up?
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