Monday, April 25, 2005

Honky has gone to far

Damn crackers!! Posted by Hello
It's pitifull the lengths some cultures will go to bring different elements of other races into their lives and fold it in with their own. I can forgive the White Devil for adopting "Fo-shizzle" and "Whaaazup?". I can even look past frat boys sporting dreads and listening to YBT and Phunk Junkeez. What I can't look past is the Sweet Valley High teen club telling us how they love to 'bling' their cell phones, laptops and MP3 Players...even mom 'blings out' her sunglasses! Oh those wacky valley people in California. They are so in the now and their fingers are square on the pulses of America.

Hey everybody!! Let's ride that wave of commercialism!! Just go here and sell out your culture in place of one you don't understand. All the kids are doing it!

Word to ya mother!


Blogger bib said...

Bling it on, foo!

28/4/05 7:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come back to my house and run your mouth like you do on here, i really want you too. You sure have a lot of advise to give but no amount of moral character to back it up. You have fallen into the trap. and for everyone out here who thinks this poor excuse of a human being is any kind of friend to you, think again. He just hasn't found a way to get that knife in your back yet. And as for signing, you know who it is. Boy I bet your mother would be so proud of you, and your grandmother too.

1/5/05 11:49 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Big talk for a closet gay man who slept with kids 4 years younger, some younger than that... I wonder, since the word "pride" is be brandied about, would Grannie be proud that her grandson is a cock smoker that had to hide behind his wife for 8 years? I'm sure she'd just think it was peachy.
And to have you say anything about moral character is a hugh joke. You must have the wool pulled over your own eyes too buddy, because the only people you are fooling are yourself and your folks.

Hahaha...moral character...that's a good one.

2/5/05 4:35 AM  
Blogger bib said...

Jay, I think you need to turn off anonymous comments. All these jackasses want to do is come on here and take shots at you while hiding "anonymously". All of us know who they are and know that they aren't going to come out and be men... I mean, jeez, he is still hiding who he is, so why would you expect anything more? The thing is, I'm not sure why he's on here. Why he cares so much about what the two of us have to say? He's showing weakness. Showing that we bother him. Just smile in that fact. As far as mother's and grandmothers are concerned, all I have to say to both of the twinny twin twins is that at least Jay never hid himself. At least when his mother and grandmother passed away they knew who he was. YOUR Granny on the other hand had no idea that her grandchildren were homosexual. Neither does there mother know. Who's the coward now? So talk about Jay's morals all you want, you might want to take a good look in the mirror buddy. None of us are perfect, you included.

2/5/05 5:35 AM  

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