Thursday, March 17, 2005

This blog is carb-friendly

Being a person of certain poundage, I've struggled with my weight since I was in the fifth grade. And I've tried a variety of weight-loss styles and diets. One of which, the Atkins (or if you'd believe in Foamy, the Fat-Kins) I had success with, but none so much as the tried and true "Stop eating so much you fat bastard" diet. And that's the one I'm on now.
Back in 2001, I had done a regimine of Tae Bo (that hurt so much) and a diet of low fat meats and brown rice, along with some veggies. Stuff just fell off of me, but like always, I got sick. Bad sick. And when I'm sick, I don't feel like adhering to a diet and exercise program, and so after I got sick, I never started up again, and as such, got fat again.

But see, now I've got an edge. Now I know where my failures lie and with that knowledge I can better arm myself for the weight-loss battle. And oh yes, it is a battle. It's a pain-in-the-ass battle that I have fought and lost several times in my life.

I've heard the new scientific studies, one type of person is an endo-morph, another kind is an exo-morph and another kind is yet another kind of yadda yadda morph... I say, be happy with who you are. And if you're not happy, then change yourself. But not to the point of being unhealthy. If you are not happy, but healthy, then the problem probably lies in your head, and not your body. Between the extremes of anorexia and morbid obesity, lies a wide range of healthy, and I want to be in that range. And I'm going to do it, I just need time.

Also, Brigette threated to kill me if I died from being fat. I'm not sure I would want a postumous ass-kicking, but I'm sure I would deserve it if I don't change something soon. Tonight, I had leftover rice with some veggies for 'breakfast' and for lunch here at work I had carrots and radishes (yum!) and for a snack I just had some fat-free yogurt. If I can keep this up with the elipical workouts, I should start seeing something soon.

And who knows, maybe I'll take Michael up on his offer to help me with my style, or lack of, once I loose enough weight to where I don't hate having my shirt tucked in. That maybe a subconsious reason why I haven't moved to days or swings yet. I just don't want to dress up. Hmmm... something to ponder.
Speaking of things to ponder, A-Kon 16 is fast approaching. If you'd like to see the Ill Will Press's "Rules of the Masses" that was made for and debuted there at A-Kon 15, watch
this and have a laugh. Carefull though, there is boob manipulation...


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