Saturday, August 14, 2004

Odd Spam...

heh... I just got a piece of spam in my mailbox and this was the first line in the body.
Medical News. Pillz that make u hung like a house.

I have not the words...

Moving on, I plan on coming down this weekend to help Smitty move into his brand new house. This will give me the opportunity to not only see his new place, but also to possibly watch Kill Bill 2 on my laptop. I usually watch a movie on Monday nights at the 'rent's house, and that's the one I'll probably end up watching.
I've already seen it, yeah, but I've yet to watch it other than the one time in the theatre. And this was, in my mind, a great flick. Come on... Pei Mei? That's my next Halloween costume!

Pat went to the store ealier, and I'm sitting here with a full belly of the italian sub and chips that he brought back with him. After than meal, I'm feeling like a Kodiak bear that's just been shot in the butt with a tranq dart. If I pass out here in a few minutes, I'll know the reason behind it. Just tag and release me, that's all I ask.


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