Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's the end of the world as we know it...

...and I feel fine.

I did a little research tonight about the end of the world and the signs leading up to it. Here's what I got:
Arrival of Hindu's avatar of Krishna: Was supposed to happen in 2003 (According to the Hindus)
Mayan calender ends: Dec 12, 2012
Next planetary alignment: Sept 8, 2040
Muslim calender ends: 2076
Jewish calender ends: 2240
Rapture of Christians: ????

I bring this up because I was listening to Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM this morning, and in the few minutes that I heard it coming back from QT, there was a most remarkable guest. His name was Daniel, and he was an angel. He didn't specify which choir he hailed from, but he was pretty down on the celestial experience. He said his only friends are other angels, and as they are not too common here in America, he didn't have a whole lot of friends. Which is why, in 2020, our great country will be hit with a nuclear attack that will drive humanity into hiding. He said this wasn't the end of the Earth, as Earth is not meant to be destroyed in this manner, but it will be the beginning of the end. I think I missed the good parts while I was in the store, so I can't tell you what else Daniel had to say, but I'm sure it was all very helpfull information. I, for one, would like to know that when the end of the world is coming. Kind of like the Weather Channel, only more macabre.

After Danny boy, there was a guy that had the nerve to joke that since his girlfriend called him an angel the previous night, so he must be able to tell the future too. Ha ha! That would have been funny, had this caller not went on to tell Art and his listening audience about how he and his sister saw a Time Traveler once. You'll notice I capitolized that term. That's right. Say it while an eerie theremin warble plays in the background. It's that important. Oh! If you interested, a 'famous' Time Traveler is John Titor. Google that name if you want, I'm sure he's got lots of stuff. Anyway, this caller (I didn't catch his name) said that he walked off an elevator with his sister and another woman got on. He suddenly realized he needed something off his original floor, and when he turned around and pushed the Open Door button, she was gone. Naturally, the line of logic leads to her being a Time Traveler. Riiiiight. He sees people disappear before his very eyes, but he'll make fun of an angel no problem.

Ok, I did some research for you after all. Check out John Titor's site if you want. Apparently this guy just dropped off the face of the Earth, or as the website states, he returned to his year 2036. One of his pre-9/11 predictions is that in 2005, there will be a civil war in America. In 2015, it will come to a head and Russian will launch an offensive on the major cities of the US, China and Europe. We counter-attack and win, but still lose the Chins and the Brits. During the war, almost 3 billion people die. Russian then becomes our biggest commercial trader and allies. The capitol of the USA will be moved to Omaha, Nebraska. Crazy stuff!

Now see, I love stuff like this. There is nothing I like reading more, or listening to, than future events. Just a small glimpse into a fate unknown to me. I just hope there's pudding in the future. If there isn't, I'm not going. You can have your fancy jet packs and cesium clocks, your protean pills and Kraftwerk CDs. As for me and my instant pudding mix, we're fine and dandy where we are.


Blogger Jay said...

Oh come on! Nobody's going to comment on this one?

19/8/04 3:34 AM  

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