Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Hamburgers and internet access

Everytime I come from Ada, I stop by the McDonald's on 44 heading East. And like everytime, I see the signs that advertise internet access for a small fee, provided you have a computer with wireless access capabilities.
So as I type this, I'm doing so from inside a McDonald's. I can hear the crew banter back and forth, I can smell the fries and burgers and I'm sipping from my cola cup that is slowly getting the table wet. Technology is awesome.

A small note to Smitty: Thank you for the place to say this weekend. It was comfortable, and I hope I didn't leave any messes. I thought it was very cool of you and 'Nea to keep me, and I appreciate this. When the time comes for me to rule the world with an iron grip, you and your family's lives will be spared. ;-)

Note to Rusty: Man-arms! You've got the tools, now get that woman!

Riddle: What do you get when you cross an apple pie, a dove, and the seventeenth letter of the alphabet?
Here's a hint: It's fantastic!


Blogger Pastoral Urbanite said...

If only I could find a place in Ada where I could post while listening to the sound of a barista frothing milk... until then I have a mp3 recording of it I listen to at home.

23/8/04 8:40 AM  

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