Learned something clever
In The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus , Christopher Marlowe gives this description of Helen of Troy:
Is this the face that launched a thousand ships
And burned the topless towers of Ilium?
By this point, every schoolboy and grrl knows the romantic story between the star-crossed lovers that's launched it own impressive number of plays, movies, books and other representations. Helen's beauty caused hunky meat-puppet Paris to start a war, simply due to the fact that she was hawt and he had a jones for her. But let's break it down metrically, if for no other reason than I'm a geek and I'm bored on a Saturday night.
If one Helen can launch a unit that we will call a kiloship, equivalent to a thousand ships represented to a single large unit, then logically, that would establish the "millihelen", an equivalent solo unit of beauty needed to launch a single ship. Metric conversion is fun!
The Japanese, ever on the forefront of cool and trendy entertainment, have started a craze some years back that is just now catching up to North America. Dubbed Sudoku, it's a simple numbers-based puzzle that has you using basic mathematics to solve it. It's also maddening in it's addictive properties. I'm almost to a point where I can do everyone without errors, but still take too long to finish one. I can go through one in about 11-13 minutes, but the average for the basic puzzle is around 7 minutes. I'm almost doubled that!
Ah'm a bit slow Jen-nay. Ah'm jahst a simple mahn. It also seems I need to go back to grade school.
I'm also curious as to how fast Patrick can crank through one of these. Him being a degreed math-nerd and all, it shouldn't be a problem.
Blogger's spell-check program recognizes neither the word "blog" or it's plural "blogs" and that to me is funny. "Faustus" it had no problem with, but "topless" it did. Apparently the fix hasn't been targeted to it's primary demographic. ;) I'm willing to bet the word "topless" gets used infinitely more times than "Faustus".
On the left in the blogs listed section, you'll notice that there is two new ones to note. The top one is TS101, one that will hold nothing interesting for you unless you're interested in the life of a Tourette's patient. She makes fun observations that I thought were unique to me, and I got a kick out of it. It seems she has stopped posting back in July, but maybe she will pick it back up. The second one is my oldest (yet younger) sister's blog. She's only given up one post, but hopefully she will continue with it.
Catching Unwrapped after work tonight, and I'm learning things. Candy things. Such as the liquid flavoring in Super Hot Tamales is so caustic that if just a drop were to mistakenly fall on bare skin, the result would be bubbling pain, followed by permanent scaring. And any candy that uses such a powerful additive in it's ingredient list has got to be good. Yum!
Speaking of candy, does anybody remember Zots? They were nine kinds of awesome! I miss those little tablets of fizzy deliciousness. Maybe Mexico or Canada can fill my jones for the 80's favorite.
The idea of the millihelen made me laugh out loud. That's some brilliant stuff, J-B. Of course, you know this means I'm going to steal this idea and everyone will think I came up with it.
Spread the word Adam. I had heard the term from somebody else, so I can't credit for the it, but I did do the research and fleshed it out a bit.
Christy, saddly I haven't started on Season 5 yet. This week, with having the cat back and getting everything done for this weekend's trip, I didn't have a lot of time left over. I will begin Tara-Watch 2005 later this week though.
No ma'am. Same service and number. It did flake out a few weeks ago where I couldn't send or recieve calls for a few days. I wonder if you tried calling then. It seems to work now though, and I've only ate a 1/3 of the candy I brought back for you. If you want the other two, you're going to have hurry. ;)
I am in Ada, but about to leave. I will be back down Thanksgiving weekend for five days. I can bring it down then if you'd like. Cadburry Chocolate!
I even saved you the caramel one. I forgot the other one. The one I ate was called a "Wunderbar" and was a much like eating a none-solid generic Butterfinger, I didn't think much of it.
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