Friday, November 04, 2005

Headbangin' to "Thus Sprack Zarathrustra"

Gaptoothed model-turned-gaptoothed actress Laura Hutton is posing nude for the American magazine 'Big'. Apparently the domestic rag is scrapping the barrel of front page talent. To me, she was the Paris Hilton of the 1970's. She was famous simply because she was famous. While being one of the first 'supermodels" and having numerous endorsement deals, she has large mass appeal. Why this is, I can't figure out. Mainly because she's got a butter face and after seeing her act, I can't see how she keeps getting work. A Laura Hutton fan, I am not.

Moving on.

I might have a big announcement coming soon. Well, kind of big. Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes. And no it is not a toaster. Next question.

I'm going to get "Blue Valkyrie Needs Food Badly" tattood on my back. Nerdcore! And then below that, just for fun, I'm going to put the code for infinate lives on Konami games. Maybe in white ink so it will glow in UV light. Why? Why the heck not is what I say!

Nic Cage has named his new-born son Kal-El, the name given to Superman by his parents. Cage may be bat-shit crazy, but he's my kind of bat-shit crazy. Second prize goes to Penn Jillette who named his daughter Moxie Crimefighter.

I'm bored on a call here at work, that's where all this weirdness is coming from. If it will help illistrate how bored I am, I'm remembering the lyrics to "The Get-Along Gang" while listening to AT&T gripe about me "accusing them" of being the cause of my inability to telnet to a given router. I had my last laugh as the guy fessed up to adding an access-list to the interface I was trying to get through that caused my block. Haha!


Blogger Jay said...

I can see were you would really dislike your name if you were a normal kid, but honestly, any child that is fathered by Penn Jillette is going to have a very skewed view of the world as it is. I don't think she will have problems in her life due to her name. And besides, Moxie is kind of cute.

4/11/05 9:43 PM  

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