When I roll, I roll twentys
I took the Geek Test, scored a 60.94675% Geek (That being an Extreme Geek). And the weird thing is, I can think of several things that further my 'unique status' of social nerdome.
For instance, the song "Rock Steady" by the Whispers, whenever it comes on the radio, and I'm singing along to it, (And baby we can rock...steady! Steady rock it all night long...), I'm thinking NOT of getting freaky, but instead of the mutated rhinocerous villian from TMNT. Yes, I am that much of a geek. I will go further with this analysis.
Widescreen is a rule, not an option.
Japanese anime is watched in it's original language, never in English. As is any foreign movie. Seeing Amelie, Battle Royale or God of Cookery in English? Hell naw!
I never cried when Optimus bit it in Transformers: The Movie. However, and this is pure speculation, my bottom lip may have quivered for a few minutes. Shut up, you weren't there.
Is the new Replacements album any good? I wouldn't know. Car Talk and Coast to Coast? I've got 'em Podcast.
Favorite park of the Disneyreich was EPCOT. It made learning fun, and the fact that you can drink alcohol there is secondary... ;)
Igor Bars, while not an everyday treat, are fine eating. Insulin may be required.
This speech is my recital. I think it's very vital. To rock (a rhyme), that's right (on time) It's tricky! Tricky! Trick- here we go!
Knowledge that one CAN make money doing online comics and blogs and make a very nice living at it.
I've received gaming dice one year for Christmas...and it was the best present that year. Thank you Brother's West!
Cartoon crush when I was a kid? Velma. 100%. Nerd chicks are awesome. Linda Cardalini and Alyson Hannigan only cement that fact.
I've never been 'gagged with a spoon', 'been served' or 'had a cow'. I do however know the lyrics to 'Reading Rainbow". So, uh, I guess that makes me 'rarely laid'.
I was so nerdy I didn't own a single Hypercolor t-shirt or any B.U.M equipment. Sears' husky Tuffskins and Hanes plain tees I had plenty of. Yeah, I was stylin'.
I'm a Cubs fan. This doesn't make me a geek or anything, but it just shows I have a softspot in my heart for losers. Oh Snap!
In 7th and 8th grade, I would frequently skip lunch to spend time in the school library and play on the computers. Apple IIC Plus, kid. I was cool. And looking back, Oregon Trail sucked. Oh yeah, I went there.
Hmm... you know what, this list might explain a lot of stuff. It turns out I didn't need Tourette's to alienate me from society, it seems I was doing a good job on my own. But hey, screw it. Who needs to be prom king when you can fomulate binary to hex in your head and back again? g33k-4-l1f3, yO!
Note to Adam: The woman that plays Christmas Eve in Avenue Q is on the VH1 series "I Love The 80's: 3-D". As are Cassidy and Kristen from Antigone Rising. Sweet. Incidentily, Cassidy and Kristen are the cutest girls from the group, so I guess that explains why the rest of the band wasn't on there. Conclusion: VH1 is run by pigs.
She sings music while looking pretty. Pretty much a one-trick pony, but Leela James is HAWT. That's right. I went there.
The geeky thing? I'm jealous of your geek score. I am helpless.
According to the last time we took this test...
You went down and I went up.
Dang. I've got Adult-Onset Conformity! I need a Mountain Dew and a Dungeon Masters Guide, STAT!
Orgeon Trail sucks??? Well, you suck... oh yeah, I went there. ;) As far as being a geek- take your score and subtract it from Pat's score and you will have mine... but what am I talking about? Geeks don't score... LOL yeah I went there too! Just playin' yall. Feelin a little fiesty.
Man, only 44.3787.
44.97041% I think that's up from the last time I took it. They should let you check a box for how many times you've taken the test. And my Star Trek stuff should count more. They should also have a box for how many times you've complained that Star Trek should count for more.
Besides, I have issues with this test, as they're really mixing aspects of Geek with Nerd and Dork. They're different things. I know; I give a lecture on it in my classes.
I think my time learning electrical engineering helped for a few points, as has my time spent on Sci-Fi, comics and anime.
Did I mention I buy manga compendiums? :D
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