I'm soory, eh?
Just got in from tearing up Stratford, Ontario's finest pubs, getting lost (yes, again), flirted with people that will never be interested in me and got to see my first Tennesse Williams play, "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof". We were supposed to attend "As You Like It", but tickets were sold out, so we just chilled and relaxed, Canadian-style for a few hours before the festivities this evening.
It seems, dear readers, that along with my ability to get lost, I can also miss checking in for my flight. I was in line in time, but there was a complete moron working part of the desk, mucking up everything he touched, so myself and a couple going to Boston had to take standby flights to our destinations. So instead of just a layover in Detroit as planned, I took a little trip to Memphis, then Detroit and finally on to Rochester. I was planned to arrive up in New York around 11:40 in the morning, as opposed to 2:45 in the afternoon like I did. On top of the new medication that I've still have yet to acclimate to, the stress of flying, added with the stress of being flagged at Tulsa as a possible threat and having everybit of my pockets and laptop bag going through. I even had to put my shoes in the X-Ray machine, plus getting scanned with the Probe-O-Matic....Gah!! So, yeah... I was a little twitchy. I would have sold my own mother out yesterday to have just thirty minutes rest from the stupic tics.
Hate hate hate my Tourette's. Hate. It. Very. Much.
Moving on...
Flying problems and being a security risk in the eyes of the airport aside, I had my three square servings of Cran-Apple, a tiny bag of pretzels which I never opened and on my flight from DTW to ROC I sat next to a little girl with Down's Syndrom who was just as lovable as can be. Her mom was flying with her, they were going to visit "gramma's house", and so I was privy to the in-flight entertainment of Odd Todd and Even Steven stories. And folks, there are a million worse ways to spend a flight. It was my favorite flight so far, I have to say.
Adam picks me up, we make small talk and I get to check out the campus he works at. All the beautful college kids love him, and I get to meet a bevy of cool people whom are oddly accepting of my weird twitchy thing. So, hey kids from SUNY Genesao... you rock!
Today we drove to Stratford, Ontario, stopped at two Tim Horton's on the way, got hassled by "the man" at the border and got to see the most digusting pack of cigarettes I've ever seen. All the ciggy packs come with pictures of mouth cancer and diseased lungs. Yum. All in all, not a bad day. In fact, if it wasn't for the TS, it would be one of the best days this year, but with the tics... ah hell, you know what? I'm tired of talking about it. I'm just sick of this thing. All day long I had been dreading sitting through a three-hour play with this going on. I want to rant, but it's no use. In the morning I'm just just going to be the same twitchy guy.
Soory. Just a little touchy tonight.
So anyway... Canada's pretty cool. Bib, you would absolutley love it up here, with all the fall colors. I think I finally see what you saw about this area back in PA. And Jen would love it for all the Cadbury chocolate products up here. I had no idea they made much more than just the chocolate eggs you only find at Easter. And Pat, if you ever come here, you have got to eat at Molly Bloom's. Best Irish food I've had since Oklahoma, and as weird as that sounds, it's not as weird as an Irish pub serving chinese food.
So many thanks go to Adam for leaving Ada and staying away. As long as you live up this way, I'll come visit.
Now take off, you hosers!
OH you have got to try some of the different candy up there. The bread too. I love fall!!!! I love fall colors!!! I absolutely miss the beauty of the east.
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