Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Into the woods, out of the woods and home before dark

For those concerned, my father made it through surgury just fine. And to those friends and family that called to ask how he was, thank you. I have some of the finest resources available to me for love and support. I have often times only thought of what I didn't have, and that my life was missing so much. In truth, I had so much already in front of me and did not fully appreciate it until just the past few months. I don't want to get all Dr. Phil on you people, but I wanted to say it. You really are a great bunch and I love you all. Except you... YOU know who you are... ;)

In other news, my manager at work will be gone in about a week and a half. GONE gone. As it happens, he is following another EDS turncoat to a new job and will be no longer serving us. And seeing as this manager was the one primarily responsible for not giving me any raises or bonuses in the five years I've been there, I can't see this as a bad thing. And it's not that he was terrible at his job, but I will point out that he pretty much didn't know I existed except when it came to punish me at review time.

Now, with the holiday season approaching, and if somebody wants to REALLY get me something good... a date with Amber Benson would do just nicely. As would the ability to shoot spaghetti out of my fingertips. That would be pretty cool too. So, uh, yeah... if one of you could make those things happen, you'd be aces in my book.



Blogger Scott Roche said...

Also glad to hear your dad is in good shape. When the day comes that my mom starts to have problems I don't know what I would do.

As for the requests you have if I tried to help in those areas you'd probably end up dating spaghetti or shooting Amber Benson out of your fingertips. Not that either would necessarily be bad but the first would probably result in third dgree marinara burns in your private area and the second would probably be really tiny Ambers with filed down cannibal teeth.

3/11/05 7:20 AM  

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